About us

Anhui Bowei Optoelectronics
Technology Co., Ltd.

Anhui Bowei, a national high-tech enterprise, has always focused on the research and development and manufacturing of core technologies and key equipment such as mass spectrometry instruments, vacuum equipment, semiconductor materials, smart environment, and smart logistics.

The technical team currently has 3 PhDs and over 30 talents with master's or bachelor's degrees or above. It has successfully developed multiple leading technologies and equipment such as high sensitivity helium mass spectrometry leak detectors, vacuum acquisition equipment, and fully automatic helium leak detection systems, as well as related instruments and key components, filling the gap in China. After years of hard work in the field of digital platform for Ambient intelligence monitoring, early warning and emergency response, intelligent logistics equipment and system integration, the company has made breakthroughs in core software and hardware, bringing unique solutions to the environmental monitoring and logistics equipment industry.

development history

Certificate display

Obtained a number of computer software copyright registration certificates and utility model patent certificates from
the National Copyright Administration.


  • Lithium battery fully automatic helium testing machine

  • Lithium battery fully automatic helium testing machine