ДомНовостиНовости компанииКакие меры предосторожности необходимо соблюдать при использовании течеискателя гелия в исследовательской лаборатории?

Какие меры предосторожности необходимо соблюдать при использовании течеискателя гелия в исследовательской лаборатории?



A детектор утечки гелия is certainly difficult to use for users who are not particularly professional or are using it for the first time, and it will also cause some misunderstandings in use. A helium leak detector is a device used to accurately detect helium leaks in a system. When using it, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

Equipment operation: Before using a helium leak detector, make sure you are familiar with the operation of the device. This includes knowing how to start and shut down the device, how to set and adjust parameters, and how to correctly read and interpret the results.

Safety: Safety is always the primary concern when dealing with any type of gas equipment. When using a helium leak detector, make sure the equipment is in good working condition and comply with all applicable safety regulations. In addition, make sure that the work area is well ventilated to prevent helium accumulation.

Equipment calibration: Perform equipment calibration regularly to ensure the accuracy of the test. This usually includes testing with a standard sample with a known leak rate.

Helium management: Helium is a rare and expensive resource and should be used as sparingly as possible. Helium leak detectors usually have a recovery system that can recover and reuse leaked helium.

Leak detection: For very small leaks, it may take a long time for the results to be displayed on the detector. Therefore, be patient and ensure sufficient detection time.

Equipment maintenance: Clean and maintain the equipment regularly to keep it in optimal working condition. This includes cleaning the gas system, checking and replacing worn parts, etc.

Recording and reporting: After each use of the equipment, the results should be recorded and any problems should be reported immediately.

    The above are some precautions for using helium leak detectors in research laboratories. When using, always follow the operating guidelines of the equipment manufacturer to ensure your safety and obtain the most accurate results. Anhui Bowei is also a very professional helium leak detection system supplier. We are dedicated to providing the best quality products and services to every customer.