



As special equipment, fire equipment cylinders play a vital role in the event of a fire. However, since these cylinders are usually idle and contain high-pressure fire extinguishing materials (usually up to 2.5MPa), if there is a leak in the cylinder (especially at the weld or valve), especially a small leak, it will pose a great safety hazard. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct a strict leak detection process on the cylinder before leaving the factory to avoid leakage during transportation or storage.

The helium mass spectrometer leak detector is an airtightness detection instrument based on the principle of mass spectrometry, using helium as a leak indicator gas. It works through a mass spectrometer chamber composed of an ion source, an analyzer, a collector, a cold cathode ionization gauge, etc., as well as an exhaust system and an electrical part. When helium enters the mass spectrometer chamber through the leak hole, it collides with the electrons to produce ionization, and the formed helium ions are deflected in the magnetic field and form a specific orbit, and finally reach the receiving electrode and are detected.

Leak detection method: When using a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to detect leaks in fire equipment cylinders, the pressure mode is usually used. First, a certain amount of helium is filled into the cylinder to form a pressure difference inside and outside the cylinder. Then, the leak detector's suction gun is used to scan the welds and valves of the cylinder. If there is a leak in the cylinder, helium will leak out from the inside and be sucked in by the suction gun. When the leak rate exceeds the set alarm value (usually 1.5 x 10^-5 mbar I/s), the leak detector will issue an alarm signal.

Advantages: Compared with the traditional water detection method, the helium mass spectrometer leak detector has higher sensitivity and accuracy. It can detect smaller leak holes and display the leak rate in real time. In addition, it can also accurately locate the leak position, which facilitates subsequent maintenance and replacement.

The helium leak detector has shown significant advantages and effects in the application of fire equipment cylinder leak detection. Through its high-precision and high-sensitivity detection capabilities, it can ensure the sealing and safety of fire equipment cylinders, providing strong protection for people's life and property safety.